Exclusive Interview with Ma Yansong Featured in the New York Times

On Apr.14th, the New York Times published an exclusive interview with Ma Yansong. Calling Ma "one of China's best-known architects," the writer Stephen Heyman sat down with Ma to talk about the recent architecture spotlight "Harbin Opera House," his design philosophy originated from the Eastern values, as well as his practices in the US.

In the interview, Ma talked about how his mentor and late architect Zaha Hadid inspired him about how architecture gets into humanity and nature and art. From a series of MAD's overseas practices and recent published "Harbin Opera House", Ma elaborated his design philosophy "Shanshui City," a notion that concentrate on the integration among the architecture, nature and human, as well as how traditional Eastern values inform his perspective and vision.  


For the full article in English and Chinese, please see:
English: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/14/arts/international/the-architect-ma-yansong-blends-east-and-west.html?_r=0
Chinese: http://cn.nytstyle.com/culture/20160415/t15spotlight/