Lucas Museum of Narrative Art Settles Home in Los Angeles

lucas museumOn Jan.10th, Lucas Museum of Narrative Art announced the museum will settle its location in Los Angeles. Since last October, Los Angeles and San Francisco had been fighting for the final location for the museum. "L.A.'s Exposition Park location beats out a competing design for Treasure Island in San Francisco Bay." quoted Los Angeles Times.

In the museum statement on the Jan.10th, the museum stated "We have been humbled by the overwhelmingly positive support we received from both San Francisco and Los Angeles during our selection process. Settling on a location proved to be an extremely difficult decision precisely because of the desirability of both sites and cities. "

Mayor of Los Angeles Eric Garcetti said to Los Angeles Times, "It feels like this incredible gift has come home. I always thought Los Angeles was the natural place to spread the vision of George Lucas and Mellody Hobson, to make art and creativity accessible and inspirational to the next generation. It’s a natural place to have this museum in the creative capital of the world and in the geographic center of the city. It’s a banner day for L.A."

Groundbreaking is planned before year’s end, a spokesman said, with the opening targeted for 2021.


For the news on Los Angeles Times, please check: http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/arts/la-et-cm-la-wins-lucas-museum-20170110-htmlstory.html#

For the statement from Lucas Museum of Narrative Art, please check: http://lucasmuseum.org/news/lucas-museum-plans-to-build-in-los-angeles